The class bell rang. Jameson entered the hallway looking for her beloved. David had to be there somewhere. She had been looking for him for the past few days. There were only 500 people in the high school. Surely she would see him at some point. Maybe she would need to go out of her way to find him.
Desperate to catch a glimpse of the guy she loved for the past five years, Jameson looked up and down the halls; searched to no avail. David was avoiding her. She knew it. She had done something wrong three years ago and had been paying for it ever since.
David had started seeing someone new. A girl named Samantha. Perhaps, Jameson could track down Samantha and find David that way. Then he would have to see her - talk to her. Now, where was this Samantha? Maybe she had the same hobbies he did, maybe she was in Weld Shop.
Jameson walked down the hall and made it to the Weld Shop just before the second bell rang. In the back was a girl she didn't recognize. She had long, loose brown curls, and a nicely curved body. Enough weight not to be skinny or fat. She was a little short, but David always liked shorter girls. Something about being able to protect them.
Jameson took the open seat next to the mystery girl. "Hi, are you Samantha?"
"Yeah, how'd you know? Do I know you?"
"No, I know David. We were friends once."
"Oh, well. He's going to pick me up from class, maybe we could all chat." Samantha said with some concern in her voice. She had picked up on Jameson's use of the word friend and was suspicious and worried.
The bell rang, Samantha rose to leave and motioned for Jameson to join her. Jameson's heart started thumping. She would finally see David again. It had been so long since the last time. They left the Weld Shop, but no David in sight.
They walked down a long corridor, which had a sharp turn at the end. Would he be around the corner? As they approached the corner, Jameson held her breath. She had been waiting for too long. They turned the corner together, and Jameson stopped. There he was, with his friends. The same friends he had always had. The ones who played football with him and had inside jokes she would never understand. He didn't even see her yet.
Samantha had disappeared. She no longer mattered, therefore she was no longer there. David's friends disappeared too. David was now looking at her. He smiled. It was the same smile he had smiled five years ago. It crushed Jameson's heart. She could no longer help herself. She rushed into his open arms. David lifted her up so she was in a reversed piggy back ride. That had always been her favorite way to hug David.
David spun them around, hugging Jameson at the same time. Jameson stared into his eyes and knew nothing else mattered. Their lives would forever be intertwined and their love would be there forever now that they were together again.
David's mouth came crushing down on hers. It felt as if the world exploded and endless possibilities came to life in the aftermath. As their lips separated they both whispered so quietly only each other could hear. "I love you."
The End
Life Left to Learn by Sarah Jameson
Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Jameson Versus the Mighty Richard
17 year old Jameson Cartwright was not afraid of keeping her secret. She was concerned for her best friend, Kristina. Kristina and Jameson had been best friends since they were 6. Kristina had been there when Jameson had discovered she had certain gifts - abilities. Kristina helped Jameson overcome her fear of these gifts and abilities and helped her learn how to use them.
Now, Kristina needed Jameson's help. Kristina's father, Richard, had been abusing her for eleven years. For eleven years, Jameson had wanted to help, but wasn't strong enough. For eleven years, Jameson watched her best friend suffer. The pain and suffering would end tonight.
"Are you ready?" Jameson looked at Kristina to see her reaction. She was ready. Kristina had her own strength. It wasn't magical like Jameson's, but it was magical in it's own way. "Alright, you stay in the car. He's going to meet me outside."
Kristina was suppose to be home at 11 pm. It was now 2 am. Richard would definitely be outside waiting Kristina's return.
Kristina lived at the bottom of a hill. It was a standard two story 1980's house. As they approached, Jameson noticed that no lights inside the house were on. The porch light in the front was on, but that didn't mean anything. The moon was full, extra light was not needed tonight.
"He will never bother you again. Just have trust and faith in me. We talked to my parents. You will be able to stay with me after we do this. You're 18, he has no more power over you."
Stopping in front of the house, Jameson stepped out of the car and blew out the porch light. "Richard, come out here. I need to speak with you."
Jameson didn't have to speak loud. Richard appeared from the side of the house. He had been on the side porch waiting to ambush Kristina as she walked into the house. Jameson knew he would have pounced on accidently if she hadn't spoken.
"What do you want?" Richard nearly hissed through his lips. His scare tacticts worked with Kristina, but they wouldn't work with Jameson. Not anymore. He was so enraged he didn't even notice the light was out. Of course, the full moon was providing plenty of light.
"I want you to listen and listen well. You will never lay another hand on Kristina. Kristina will never live in the same house as you again. I will accompany Kristina tomorrow and we will gather her things and she will move in with me and my family."
"What makes you think that? She is my daughter and she will live where I say she lives. You are some punk 17 year old child who makes all of my daughter's decisions. That's what will end tonight. She will never spend time with you again."
Jameson centered all her energy above her. She felt the magnetic pull from her body into the sky. She felt the ground disappear beneath her feet. She had practiced this millions of time, it hardly took any concentration. So, Jameson had the pleasure of watching Richard's face contort into a cross between shock and astonishment, but Jameson wasn't done. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear. You will NOT be making decisions for her ever again. She is an adult and she is leaving you. She has decided to move in with me and my family. Any other questions?" To prove her point, Jameson lifted her arms and increased the power of the wind.
"What does this prove? That you know how to do movie tricks?" Richard managed to spit out between his clenched jaw. He wouldn't back down easily.
Jameson was prepared for this. She cupped her hands one on top of the other like an invisble sun was inside them. "From night to day, bring sunshine into this bray." The circular space between Jameson's hands filled with light. "As sunshine is light as air, so shall Richard be lighter than air. Bring him up, though his heart be down."
Jameson flattened her hands and pushed them out towards Richard. The light spread from her hands to cover Richard's body, lifting him six feet off the ground and twisting him upside down. Richard's face could no longer hide the fear he felt. He finally believed Jameson was his worst nightmare. Jameson could hurt him. No one had ever been able to hurt him before.
"Ppppuuuuutttttt mmmmmeeeee ddddoooowwwnnnn" he managed to stammer.
"Promise that you will not be here when we come tomorrow to clear out Kristina's room. Promise you will never try to contact her again. If she decides to contact you, it will be on her terms."
"IIIIIII promise."
Jameson turned the defeated man rightside up and placed him back on the ground. His confidence clearly shaken, he turned and walked slowly into the house. He never glanced back, he wasn't at the house the next day, and Kristina never heard from him again.
Now, Kristina needed Jameson's help. Kristina's father, Richard, had been abusing her for eleven years. For eleven years, Jameson had wanted to help, but wasn't strong enough. For eleven years, Jameson watched her best friend suffer. The pain and suffering would end tonight.
"Are you ready?" Jameson looked at Kristina to see her reaction. She was ready. Kristina had her own strength. It wasn't magical like Jameson's, but it was magical in it's own way. "Alright, you stay in the car. He's going to meet me outside."
Kristina was suppose to be home at 11 pm. It was now 2 am. Richard would definitely be outside waiting Kristina's return.
Kristina lived at the bottom of a hill. It was a standard two story 1980's house. As they approached, Jameson noticed that no lights inside the house were on. The porch light in the front was on, but that didn't mean anything. The moon was full, extra light was not needed tonight.
"He will never bother you again. Just have trust and faith in me. We talked to my parents. You will be able to stay with me after we do this. You're 18, he has no more power over you."
Stopping in front of the house, Jameson stepped out of the car and blew out the porch light. "Richard, come out here. I need to speak with you."
Jameson didn't have to speak loud. Richard appeared from the side of the house. He had been on the side porch waiting to ambush Kristina as she walked into the house. Jameson knew he would have pounced on accidently if she hadn't spoken.
"What do you want?" Richard nearly hissed through his lips. His scare tacticts worked with Kristina, but they wouldn't work with Jameson. Not anymore. He was so enraged he didn't even notice the light was out. Of course, the full moon was providing plenty of light.
"I want you to listen and listen well. You will never lay another hand on Kristina. Kristina will never live in the same house as you again. I will accompany Kristina tomorrow and we will gather her things and she will move in with me and my family."
"What makes you think that? She is my daughter and she will live where I say she lives. You are some punk 17 year old child who makes all of my daughter's decisions. That's what will end tonight. She will never spend time with you again."
Jameson centered all her energy above her. She felt the magnetic pull from her body into the sky. She felt the ground disappear beneath her feet. She had practiced this millions of time, it hardly took any concentration. So, Jameson had the pleasure of watching Richard's face contort into a cross between shock and astonishment, but Jameson wasn't done. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear. You will NOT be making decisions for her ever again. She is an adult and she is leaving you. She has decided to move in with me and my family. Any other questions?" To prove her point, Jameson lifted her arms and increased the power of the wind.
"What does this prove? That you know how to do movie tricks?" Richard managed to spit out between his clenched jaw. He wouldn't back down easily.
Jameson was prepared for this. She cupped her hands one on top of the other like an invisble sun was inside them. "From night to day, bring sunshine into this bray." The circular space between Jameson's hands filled with light. "As sunshine is light as air, so shall Richard be lighter than air. Bring him up, though his heart be down."
Jameson flattened her hands and pushed them out towards Richard. The light spread from her hands to cover Richard's body, lifting him six feet off the ground and twisting him upside down. Richard's face could no longer hide the fear he felt. He finally believed Jameson was his worst nightmare. Jameson could hurt him. No one had ever been able to hurt him before.
"Ppppuuuuutttttt mmmmmeeeee ddddoooowwwnnnn" he managed to stammer.
"Promise that you will not be here when we come tomorrow to clear out Kristina's room. Promise you will never try to contact her again. If she decides to contact you, it will be on her terms."
"IIIIIII promise."
Jameson turned the defeated man rightside up and placed him back on the ground. His confidence clearly shaken, he turned and walked slowly into the house. He never glanced back, he wasn't at the house the next day, and Kristina never heard from him again.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Creepy Crawlies and other things scary
"S%$t!" Hubby shouted.
As if I needed the expletive to notice the power in the entire house had gone out at the same time an extremely loud crack of thunder shook the house.
Of course, Hubby won't let me just lay around. I need to help check the sump pumps. Ugh! Gross! They're in the crawl space. I always imagine the worst creepy crawlies down there. The cobwebs and nests make me shudder just thinking about them. But the absolute worst part of it is the darkness. Especially with no power, I can only see where my flashlight goes.
As if I needed the expletive to notice the power in the entire house had gone out at the same time an extremely loud crack of thunder shook the house.
Hubby immediately went into freakout crisis mode. Worrying about the sump pump, house flooding, and any other major catastrophe that could happen while the electricity was out. I sat on the couch and debated how much life the main laptop and backup laptop batteries had. Surely between the two laptops, there should be enough power to watch a movie until the power turned back on.

Unfortunately (for me) I fit better in the crawl space. My measly little 5'3" body can almost stand in the crawl space. My 6'3" hubby has to literally crawl. So, Hubby sent me down there to meet my doom and the creatures who go bump in the night.
After a few minutes of shuddering preparing myself, I was able to check the sump pump. Of course, it was full. What does that mean exactly? It means, hubby and I grabbed cups and buckets and bucketed out water. After about an hour, Hubby had the surprise of his life when the sump pump kicked in as he was filling the cup with more water. What had taken us one hour not to complete, the sump pump did in less than 30 seconds.
It was at this point I realized two things. 1. I love electricity. 2. I am getting a battery powered sump pump for the next time this happens.
I never got to watch my movie on the laptop, but I did feel satisfaction from a job well done by bailing out the crawl space.
crawl space,
sump pump
Friday, June 25, 2010
How do you want to go?
An interesting topic was accidentally brought up at work today by my co-worker Hannah. We were talking about our aging grandparents and how eventually they will no longer be able to live on their own. They will need either family or other assistance to perform their daily activities.
The conversation was fairly innocent, but it got me thinking about a topic I've thought about from time to time. I know it seems morbid, but I hope they legalize assisted suicides in the future. I know some of you are thinking what's wrong with you?? But I really think it should be legalized.
Think about people who are dying from cancer. Have you ever watched someone die from cancer? It can be an extremely slow and painful way to go. What if the person dying didn't want to live through that? Why should we dictate they have to? Why should we make them suffer?
People in their 80's and 90's won't live much longer. If the oldest living person lived until 115 years old, why should someone in their 90's not be able to chose how they die? Of course, it should be their choice. If they want to live to be 115, so be it.
Everyone makes different choices in this life, why not left them choose how they leave this life too? What happened to freedom? Where did it go?
It's illegal to abuse people or animals. Isn't forcing someone to suffer in life abuse too? People should have a choice and we should accept each person's choice.
The conversation was fairly innocent, but it got me thinking about a topic I've thought about from time to time. I know it seems morbid, but I hope they legalize assisted suicides in the future. I know some of you are thinking what's wrong with you?? But I really think it should be legalized.
Think about people who are dying from cancer. Have you ever watched someone die from cancer? It can be an extremely slow and painful way to go. What if the person dying didn't want to live through that? Why should we dictate they have to? Why should we make them suffer?
People in their 80's and 90's won't live much longer. If the oldest living person lived until 115 years old, why should someone in their 90's not be able to chose how they die? Of course, it should be their choice. If they want to live to be 115, so be it.
Everyone makes different choices in this life, why not left them choose how they leave this life too? What happened to freedom? Where did it go?
It's illegal to abuse people or animals. Isn't forcing someone to suffer in life abuse too? People should have a choice and we should accept each person's choice.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Jameson's Quest Part 3
Cynthia waited quietly, trying to feel the energy inside the room. The benefit of sealing the room, is that Nazaar couldn't sense anything happening inside the room, but they couldn't sense anything outside the room either.
Jameson stood on the sink counter and removed the double spacer. She drew her wand and put it where the spacer had been. "What do you think Cyn?"
"We know our wands were Alexandria and Eva's and our family knew the moment we were born that we would get these wands. Maybe they need to be together; here." She said pointing to where the double spacer had been.
"It doesn't hurt to try."
Both women took their wands and placed them together and pointed them towards the empty space. Nothing happened.
"Wait, remember that childhood rhyme mom would have us recite?" Jameson remembered.
"Yeah, wasn't it something like...ut supremus sic subter supter (as above so below)..."
"...nostrum prosapia mos perceptum quod prospicio (our family will learn and prosper)."
Jameson's wand shot a blue lightning bolt towards the ceiling, Cynthia's sent an identical yellow bolt. A green haze clouded the ceiling and an emptiness appeared between the spacers.
"Huh, wasn't expecting that." Jameson huffed out. They had both been holding their breath in anticipation.
Jameson stood on the sink and pulled herself into the recently opened space. She was expecting darkness, but the space was lit. There was filtered sunlight streaming in through a dust covered window at the end of the room.
"Cynthia, come up here with me. You won't believe this."
Jameson made room for Cynthia. They stood together on the ancient wooden floor across from the empty, perfectly made twin beds.
"Alexandria and Eva's?" Cynthia questioned.
"I think so - I think the spell brought us here. Wherever here is."
Together, they walked toward the beds. Unsure what would happen, they kept their wands out and their senses sharp. The dust was thick. It looked like no one had been up here for several hundred years. There was a wooden nightstand between the two beds and a closet off to the side.
As they reached the bed, they saw the reason they had come up there. Sitting on one bed was a map. On the other, a ring. Cynthia reached for the map, while Jameson picked up the ring. A slight breeze rustled the air.
"Did you feel that?" They said in unison.
Jameson studied the ring that fit perfectly on her right ring finger. There was a pentacle on the top of the ring and three crystals set inside the bottom. "This was Eva's. She knew we would find it one day. They knew we were the only ones who could find it. I feel...stronger now...like they're with us."
Watching Jameson with the ring on her finger, Cynthia couldn't help but feel the same way. The map had made her feel stronger the second she had seen it. These items had been left in the open to help them. They would show them where the talisman was hidden. They would help protect them from Nazaar when they broke the seal on the room downstairs.
To be continued...
Jameson stood on the sink counter and removed the double spacer. She drew her wand and put it where the spacer had been. "What do you think Cyn?"
"We know our wands were Alexandria and Eva's and our family knew the moment we were born that we would get these wands. Maybe they need to be together; here." She said pointing to where the double spacer had been.
"It doesn't hurt to try."
Both women took their wands and placed them together and pointed them towards the empty space. Nothing happened.
"Wait, remember that childhood rhyme mom would have us recite?" Jameson remembered.
"Yeah, wasn't it something like...ut supremus sic subter supter (as above so below)..."
"...nostrum prosapia mos perceptum quod prospicio (our family will learn and prosper)."
Jameson's wand shot a blue lightning bolt towards the ceiling, Cynthia's sent an identical yellow bolt. A green haze clouded the ceiling and an emptiness appeared between the spacers.
"Huh, wasn't expecting that." Jameson huffed out. They had both been holding their breath in anticipation.
Jameson stood on the sink and pulled herself into the recently opened space. She was expecting darkness, but the space was lit. There was filtered sunlight streaming in through a dust covered window at the end of the room.
"Cynthia, come up here with me. You won't believe this."
Jameson made room for Cynthia. They stood together on the ancient wooden floor across from the empty, perfectly made twin beds.
"Alexandria and Eva's?" Cynthia questioned.
"I think so - I think the spell brought us here. Wherever here is."
Together, they walked toward the beds. Unsure what would happen, they kept their wands out and their senses sharp. The dust was thick. It looked like no one had been up here for several hundred years. There was a wooden nightstand between the two beds and a closet off to the side.
As they reached the bed, they saw the reason they had come up there. Sitting on one bed was a map. On the other, a ring. Cynthia reached for the map, while Jameson picked up the ring. A slight breeze rustled the air.
"Did you feel that?" They said in unison.
Jameson studied the ring that fit perfectly on her right ring finger. There was a pentacle on the top of the ring and three crystals set inside the bottom. "This was Eva's. She knew we would find it one day. They knew we were the only ones who could find it. I feel...stronger now...like they're with us."
Watching Jameson with the ring on her finger, Cynthia couldn't help but feel the same way. The map had made her feel stronger the second she had seen it. These items had been left in the open to help them. They would show them where the talisman was hidden. They would help protect them from Nazaar when they broke the seal on the room downstairs.
To be continued...
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