As if I needed the expletive to notice the power in the entire house had gone out at the same time an extremely loud crack of thunder shook the house.
Hubby immediately went into freakout crisis mode. Worrying about the sump pump, house flooding, and any other major catastrophe that could happen while the electricity was out. I sat on the couch and debated how much life the main laptop and backup laptop batteries had. Surely between the two laptops, there should be enough power to watch a movie until the power turned back on.

Unfortunately (for me) I fit better in the crawl space. My measly little 5'3" body can almost stand in the crawl space. My 6'3" hubby has to literally crawl. So, Hubby sent me down there to meet my doom and the creatures who go bump in the night.
After a few minutes of shuddering preparing myself, I was able to check the sump pump. Of course, it was full. What does that mean exactly? It means, hubby and I grabbed cups and buckets and bucketed out water. After about an hour, Hubby had the surprise of his life when the sump pump kicked in as he was filling the cup with more water. What had taken us one hour not to complete, the sump pump did in less than 30 seconds.
It was at this point I realized two things. 1. I love electricity. 2. I am getting a battery powered sump pump for the next time this happens.
I never got to watch my movie on the laptop, but I did feel satisfaction from a job well done by bailing out the crawl space.
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